New Delhi Launches Agri Value Chain Finance Scheme

New Delhi Launches Agri Value Chain Finance Scheme

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In a significant move to enhance the agricultural sector in India, the government of New Delhi has launched the Agri Value Chain Finance Scheme. This ambitious initiative aims to strengthen the entire agricultural value chain, providing much-needed financial support to farmers, agribusinesses, and other stakeholders involved in agricultural production and marketing. The scheme is poised to revolutionize the agricultural landscape, ensuring increased productivity, better market access, and improved incomes for farmers across the country.

New Delhi Launches Agri Value Chain Finance Scheme for Indian Agriculture

Objectives of the Agri Value Chain Finance Scheme

The primary objective of the Agri Value Chain Finance Scheme is to address the financial gaps in the agricultural value chain. By providing targeted financial assistance, the scheme aims to:

  1. Enhance Productivity: Support farmers in adopting advanced farming techniques and technologies to boost crop yields and overall productivity.

  2. Improve Market Access: Facilitate better market linkages for farmers, ensuring they receive fair prices for their produce.

  3. Strengthen Agribusinesses: Provide financial support to agribusinesses involved in processing, storage, and distribution, enhancing their capacity to handle agricultural produce efficiently.

  4. Promote Sustainable Practices: Encourage the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices that conserve resources and protect the environment.

Key Features of the Scheme

1. Comprehensive Financial Support

The scheme offers comprehensive financial support covering various aspects of the agricultural value chain, including pre-harvest, post-harvest, and marketing stages. Farmers can avail of loans for purchasing quality seeds, fertilizers, and equipment, while agribusinesses can secure funding for setting up processing units, storage facilities, and transportation infrastructure.

2. Interest Subvention

To reduce the financial burden on farmers and agribusinesses, the scheme provides interest subvention on loans. This means that the interest rates on loans under the scheme are significantly lower than the prevailing market rates, making it easier for stakeholders to access credit.

3. Collateral-Free Loans

Recognizing the challenges faced by small and marginal farmers in providing collateral, the scheme offers collateral-free loans up to a certain limit. This feature ensures that even the most vulnerable farmers can benefit from the scheme without the need for any security.

4. Insurance Coverage

The scheme includes comprehensive insurance coverage to protect farmers and agribusinesses against unforeseen risks such as crop failure, natural disasters, and market fluctuations. This coverage provides a safety net, ensuring that beneficiaries are not financially devastated by adverse events.

5. Capacity Building and Training

In addition to financial support, the scheme also focuses on capacity building and training. Farmers and agribusinesses will have access to training programs on modern farming techniques, post-harvest management, and market strategies. This holistic approach ensures that beneficiaries are equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in the agricultural sector.

Expected Impact on Indian Agriculture

The Agri Value Chain Finance Scheme is expected to have a transformative impact on Indian agriculture. By addressing financial constraints and providing targeted support, the scheme will:

  1. Increase Farm Incomes: By boosting productivity and ensuring better market access, the scheme will help farmers achieve higher incomes.

  2. Reduce Post-Harvest Losses: Improved storage and processing facilities will minimize post-harvest losses, ensuring that more produce reaches the market in good condition.

  3. Enhance Food Security: Increased productivity and reduced losses will contribute to overall food security in the country, ensuring a stable supply of essential commodities.

  4. Promote Sustainable Agriculture: The focus on sustainable practices will help conserve resources and protect the environment, ensuring the long-term viability of agriculture in India.


The launch of the Agri Value Chain Finance Scheme by New Delhi marks a significant step towards revitalizing Indian agriculture. By providing comprehensive financial support and promoting sustainable practices, the scheme aims to address key challenges faced by farmers and agribusinesses. As the scheme rolls out, it is expected to enhance productivity, improve market access, and ultimately transform the agricultural landscape in India. With this initiative, the government reaffirms its commitment to empowering farmers and ensuring the sustainable growth of the agricultural sector.

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